Pent up Verbal Diarrhea 

 #     Firstly, I would like to begin with voicing my opinion on this #ICE BUCKET fad ! What the heck!!!!!! It's all over the internet! Wherever I go, there is a video of someone randomly dunking oneself with ice cold water... If you guys wish to donate, then do it! Why on earth should one nominate someone to take up this challenge ! ( yeahhhh.... 'coz pouring ice cold water on oneself is INDEED THE MOST DIFFICULT CHALLENGE EVER...... *** rolls eyes and smirks*** ) Agreed it is for contributing towards those suffering from Lou Gehrig,but then aren't there millions out there who are in dire need of access to potable water ???? Ever thought about them before dunking oneself with perfectly potable water ??????????
              Thankfully, we Indians used our common sense ( well, atleast a few of us!)More charity than challenge, 38year old scribe Manju Latha Kalanidhi's idea to fill a bucket with rice and give it to a needy person, and in new age style, post the picture video online, is now the new rage. So we have come up with the RICE BUCKET thingy !!!! Yeayyyyy!  Makes me a little relieved! :) :)

#      Secondly, I happened to glance through #Indira Nooyi's write up about how women can't have it all.... and all the brouhaha that it created ....
      Well I do agree with her take on it.I believe it's next to impossible to have it all... Be it a man or a woman for that matter! One can never have it all.. No doubting the fact that there exists this desire in us all of wanting to excel in life in all aspects....But is this really,truly possible???  More so, if one is a woman ??? I highly doubt it. We aspire a lot in life, aim high, push ourselves to perform better, become one's biggest critic... But I feel , somewhere down the line we tend to forget the real reason of our very existence...
   I've learned that people may forget what we have said ...they may forget what we have done ...but they won't ever forget how we made them feel.. sometimes it's special to be ordinary...The greatest treasures of life are simplicity , patience and compassion and somewhere in the quest to excel we tend to lose ourselves only to find oneself when it’s a little too late….. We women, wish to have everything to perfection. Whilst trying to achieve this we never love ourselves ...never take time out for oneself or give priority to oneself for that matter,We have been taught to be that way, since inception 'coz we are women and it is our duty to learn to "sacrifice" things.So what if things don't go as planned ?? So what if we don't end up looking perfect each time ? Does it REALLY matter ? Isn't beauty skin deep and mustn't we judge a person by their actions and virtues instead of the way they look?  But sadly the society is still male chauvinistic ( thankfully changing for the better,slowly! ) It's very difficult to strike a balance between work and one's family..more so if one is a woman. I believe this is where one's better half and his family comes into the picture... Tiny ,random acts of kind words &  a loving hug , help when it is required , taking the initiative to share the household work would help us ,womenfolk go a long way ........ Afterall, GHAR HUMSE HI TOH BANTA HAIN :) :)

#      Thirdly , I am really irked with all these loudspeakers at various pandals blaring out item number songs!! It's Ganesh Chaturthi, and not Filmfare awards being celebrated!!! gossshhhh!!!! ( ****soooooper mega miffed! :/ )
Imagine being stuck in a rut ....or going through a mid life crisis ( what imagine! I bet all of us have some thing going on in our lives that sucks! ) ... seeking the solace of the Lord ,with utmost devotion we enter the pandal, our breath taken away by the magnificent settings and the beautiful idol ( the smell of chameli ka tel applied by the lady ahead of you,whose hair is almost  inside your mouth ,thanks to all the jostling is obviously included)  ... No sooner do we close our eyes and try soak in that spiritual feeling , than are our ears subject to some outrageous item number songs being played over the speakers. Worst still is that our legs seems to enjoy it ... :(  For someone like me, who is that in self introspection mode of life... it sucks big time when we try so hard to sort out our life in front of the Lord , only to be reminded of the amazingly astonishing CHIPKANEWALLA property of the adhesive FEVICOL :/ :/  Seriously people KAB BADLOGE ??? :(

#       Fourthly, I am appalled and honestly scared to listen to #FM now .. Gone are those days wherein I eagerly used to tune in to my favourite channel ( well fav rj , to be honest!) and listen to soothing melodies... The songs that are played today are , (pardon my language) BULLSHIT ! :/ :/

        Ok ..What is wrong with people now a days! I mean seriously have you guys forgotten that a song needs a melody ....a rhythm ... beautiful lyrics and amazing rendition .... and not some party popper whose croons about his exploits with ladies or his love for vodka or blue eyes!!! A couple of party songs ,here and there is fine.. i get it... But if that is all that one gets with the label MUSIC written over it, then I think it's time I stopped listening to FM !!! Kids( 6 or 7 yrs max) in my society rap and sing about getting talli on malibu shots ! WTF ! I am scared and really worried about my (yet to be conceived kids!!!)   
      So, i am really thankful to people like Amit Trivedi who have restored my faith in the music industry ;) You are amazing! 

   I have spotted a tiny cockroach strolling, looking totally lost near my CPU.. Time to go folks !!! ;) Shikareen Vidya in action!!!!! 



  1. Shikareen vidya...dishkiyaon!
    maarlas, khallas kelas...jinklas re!!!

  2. Itna frustration at society!! Chill yaar


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