love... in its purest form ... On a busy street; half concealed by the huge banyan tree; lay a mother dog with her Lil ones.The tiny pups nuzzled against their mother for warmth on a gloomy rainy day.She, in turn caressed her children ,one at a time ... An urchin looked at them huddled and curious as she was, slowly walked towards them,to get a clearer picture... silently she observed them,one pup at a time,noticing instantly that something was amiss.Gently she placed herself near the mother and pulled out the tiniest pup of the lot.The one that was the most impoverished,yet neglected of the brood.As it lay whimpering in her arms, she soothed it with her gentle touch.She soon realized that this pup was not only mal nourished,but also physically challenged.. In a split second she had made her decision.Slowly,she arose wrapping her tiny arms around the lil one and walked back home.. All she fretted about during the slow journey back home was explaining her action to her moth...