Return of the ....whatever.. ... heyy!!! i am back! Recharged and rejuvenated and revitalised........ err,this looks like a pharmacy clinic ad....neways after my graduation examinations i have had the time to pause and see the direction i am going in at present ....and the one i shud actually be goin in.Frankly speaking..they are as different as chalk and i have decided to do a lot of things differently from now on... & i guess i better do them fast coz the next month or two is gonna be a super sonic ride.My acid test's gonna begin now( Inter examinations in nov of Chartered accountancy)....and to put things as a matter of fact i ain't doing any justice to myself :) wait.....i just remembered that one of the things i decided to do differently is , to spend lesser time on things not causing an increase in my academic performance.n i think blogging/orkutting wont lead to any kinda increase in my performances under any the shutters are gonna be pu...
Showing posts from May, 2008